Polli | Roasted Peppers in Oil

Choice, 100% Italian sweet peppers, picked at the right point of ripeness, to assure sweetness and crunchiness at the same time. They are preserved in a slightly spicy and tasty sauce so they can be savored all year round.

They are excellent served on fresh bread with strong-tasting cheeses, or as a side to sweet, milk flavoured buffalo mozzarella, or even tossed in a pan, as a side to a paillard, or as the base to a flavoursome pizzaiola steak.

Use them to accompany a bitter, orange aperitif such as a Crodino, together with toasted bread croutons or with mozzarella cherries. Washing them down with a nice, chilled beer is also a good idea, to lightly brush against the spiciness and cool down your taste buds with its slightly bitter aftertaste. The recipes of the Italian regional tradition have never been so delicious and so ready to enjoy.

Choice, 100% Italian sweet peppers, picked at the right point of ripeness, to assure sweetness and crunchiness at the same time. They are preserved in a slightly spicy and tasty sauce so they can be savored all year round.

They are excellent served on fresh bread with strong-tasting cheeses, or as a side to sweet, milk flavoured buffalo mozzarella, or even tossed in a pan, as a side to a paillard, or as the base to a flavoursome pizzaiola steak.

Use them to accompany a bitter, orange aperitif such as a Crodino, together with toasted bread croutons or with mozzarella cherries. Washing them down with a nice, chilled beer is also a good idea, to lightly brush against the spiciness and cool down your taste buds with its slightly bitter aftertaste. The recipes of the Italian regional tradition have never been so delicious and so ready to enjoy.

Peperoni Alla Calabrese – Polli | Roasted Peppers in oil

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